This goes back to 2008, the holidays, my visitors and I were exploring back roads and happened upon a
so paintable scene, I'd passed this view often, but the presence of high-bouncing, familial DNA vibrations offered sudden new ways to look at known situations, places and truths. That's only one of the reasons we gravitate to one another, but possibly the most important one. The brakes were slammed on and everyone pulled out their digitals and started shooting, coat collars turned high, snapping in mittens. My product of that moment became known as
Agave. Su wrote a poetry piece in a comment that so perfectly captured the essence of that image, it came back to me often, until one day this August, wandering back roads again, looking for
paintabilities, I found the psychic partnership just waiting to be connected. Most amusing was the presence of an
Indian Blanket, Gloriosa Rudica, a daisy subspecies. I heard her say:
You ruined me last time. This time, let's do it right. She heard me say:
If I had been a male, no problemo with the wheels, you know boys and cars ... but this time, I think you will be satisfied I am one of you.
I used to be shining and new ... |
16" x 12" watercolor inks and gouache on Arches
Aug | 11
click to enlarge