aka Patterns
(see drawing above)
aka Copper & Gold
16" x 12" watercolor inks on Arches
Bitsy had another life before she met my brother and sister in law, they rescued her from a shelter. Bitsy is one lucky girl, especially with three kids to play with her when she isn't napping with her better, her rightful, loving Mother.
(click HERE to view enlarged image in a new tab. Once there, click the plus "+" sign to view detail.)
Beautiful in all ways possible. I write this listening to my cat Zeq snore beside me. Thank you Nina
And thank you Burnie. XO to Zeq.
I somehow missed this being put up last week. Not gonna type a string of superlatives to add on to "masterpiece", because this is art to make one speechless! [too cool for words, I guess...]
>loving it<
Thank you so much bho. As the vessel, it did come through harmoniously.
>to stolen freedoms<
wow! its wonderful but the dog is exceptional!!!
Thank you dear chickory. I am better with animals than people and that means in every way. It I had to do it all over again, I'd go for veterinary medical illustration for holistic treatment.
I love the idea of doing these things on wood, thank you. Not in watercolor, but guache and acrylics.
nina, try the Jo SOnja line of acrylic gouache. it doesnt quite flow like watercolor (quite? no, not at all) but it is flat and will stick to wood. and when varnished is beautiful. I love it. and its cheap. you could order it from Jerrys artarama or i could send you some samples to try. I might do that anyway.
Ooooo I would love that! I am tired of ruining my brushes correcting tiny mistakes, which works very well, but you know how the swishing splays out the bristles. There is so much wood around here, the possibilities are unlimited.
What varnish should I use? The Firekeeper has the whole range, big on lacquers, too, but I fear they are toxic. I will discuss woods tonight and get the low down. I should have been into this ages ago, it took your darling hens to move me and they really did. Just smashing. Such bright and friendly art.
Thank you.
Dogs wink at people.
- Aangirfan
That's right Aang. I never knew it, but apparently it is somewhat common and very normal. I will watch more closely, thank you.
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